Pucker up

Friday, May 16, 2008


Thanks to all those who served, or are now serving in the armed forces! Thanks to my sister for her ability to always say the right thing to make me cry. Thanks to the freinds that I have had the honnor to be associated with who also serve in the Army. They are all great people. So everyone knows how my sister writes, here is what she wrote to make me cry...

Dear Everyone in my Address Book,
I know that some of you got this from my dad and some of you don't know my dad. I just wanted to tell a quick story about Jim Landerman...my Dad. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War (although he was blessed enough not to have to serve in combat) He served in the Army and National Guard. He gave me my name and first priesthood blessing on this country's 200th anniversary July 4th 1976. Some of you know that I don't like to forward things too often but I hope this touches you as it did me. The pictures of the soldiers could easily be our husbands, fathers, sons, or brothers. Thank you to my dad for giving me a deep love for our country and way of life; and thank you to my brother who has been to Iraq and Korea in the past 5 years and knows the emotions of leaving your family to protect thier way of life. God bless all those men and women who have yet to come home.This link should take you to a video. Grab a tissue.

What did I tell you? She is the best. I am truly grateful as well to all of those that serve. Yet, somehow thank you is not enough to bring back all the tears, sweat, and the time spent away from loved ones, but Thank You just the same.


1 comment:

Kaye Lynn said...

Hey, nice blogg. I totally love the intro. Check out mine. We have video of a moose in our yard. Be happy and keep working toward what you want and need. I strongly recommend you read "If life were easy it wouldn't be hard" by Sherri Dew. She rocks. Love you.